03 October, 2012

The Trouble with Being a Reader

Here's an oldie. But also one of my favorite water colors I have done. It gives me the chills and makes me happy all in one. It is the memory of staying up late, later then anyone ever should. Of scary books (at least they were at the time. Usually it would be a Frank Peretti book that I wasn't supposed to be reading.... Don't tell my mum.) The feeling of safety as long as I remained wrapped in a blanket and on the bed, because the monsters were forbidden to tread there. Turning page, after page, after page. Exhausted, but dreading to put the book down. Eyes peeled open in a sort of delicious horror. Struggling with the idea of turning the light off, because scary creatures always see better in the dark. But also knowing that the light showed them exactly where I was. Oh, that delima. 

Now that I see it all written out... I honestly have no clue why this makes me slightly happy! Perhaps just the thrill of it all? 

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