20 February, 2013

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Ecco, Foxtrot, Golf and Hotel....

It's been a chocolate, hot tea and hoodie sort of day for me. Of course… If I'm really honest. Every day is a "chocolate, hot tea and hoodie" sort of day. But most days ignore that. Sadly. But I suppose it makes those rare days when I actually get to sip ginger tea, enjoy wonderful dark chocolate, and be comforted by my favorite orange hoodie all the more special. Yes, I suppose so. 

It has also been one long date with my fabric paints and brushes. I've been working on quite a few projects the past few days during my spare time. Here is a look at one such project…  

You can buy your very own Foxtrot tote : just click on this link and it will take you to my shop on Etsy.

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