24 February, 2013

Roses are Red… Carnations are pink…

We finally got a bit of snow here in Oklahoma. First snow of the winter, if my memory serves me correctly. It was gorgeous while it lasted. I was immensely proud of our weather for finally giving us some real winter. Sadly, it melted immediately. The first picture (below) was taken about thirty minutes after it stopped snowing. That's how quickly it all left us. Of course, that didn't mean the cold left us. It was still absolutely freezing. By the time we finished getting a few photos we couldn't even feel our poor fingers. Shows how dedicated my gorgeous model is!

The design on this tote was inspired partialy by the cover of a completely sensational copy of the Pilgrim's Progress. I found the book buried beneath hundreds of books in an antique store for only $5. It's terribly old (I believe it is from the very early 1900s) the pages feel as if they will fall apart if you even look at them the wrong way. But it is the most splendid copy of Pilgrim's Progress I have ever seen. Anyhow, the roses on the bag are from the book, and for the background I chose to use a greek pattern I've been playing around with. As a whole, I was very pleased with the look. It's sort of bohemian… 

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