23 September, 2011

Claremore Zebras

autumn |ˈôtəmnounthe third season of the year, when crops and fruits are gathered and leaves fall, in the northern hemisphere from September to November
So begins another be-a-u-tiful season that the Lord has made! I'm hoping that at least a few of the trees will dress up for the occasion. Brown shriveled autumns are always rather meloncholy. 

Favorite things about autumn: the colorful leaves, being able to drink hot tea once again without feeling miserably hot afterwards, campfires, fall parties, hearing my brother Matthew obsess over hunting, the chilly weather, having the windows open once again and hearing all the gorgeous sounds, playing night games, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. 

Now to business we go. This pair was a lot of fun to paint! I had a lot of trouble coming up with a suitable zebra. One that did not look like it had just been shredded by a lion, or stepped from a horror film. Finally, I simply found a cute zebra to base mine off of on Google, and went for it. 


How could you resist that smile? Or that mohawk? Or those red stripes? Yes, Claremore Zebras have red stripes. 

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