26 October, 2011

I Love Lucy Shoes

Hello out there! The past few weeks have been dominated by many projects. Amongst them, I tried to sneak in some work on a pair of shoes I did for a friend of mine, Johna. I absolutely LOVED working on this particular pair of shoes for this simple reason that I love I Love Lucy! Unfortunately, I took practically forever to finish up the shoes. There was always one more little detail that needed some adjusting, or I would never have any peace of mind.

Here are a fair amount of photos marking the progress of work on the duo. They're really only here that you might get an idea of the whole process. 

For the sides, I opted to go with two patterns that I always associate with Lucille Ball. Polkadots and a sort of checkered plaid. 

Proof: I use pencil to mark the designs. Just normal, everyday, #2 pencils. 

Proof: I'm right handed. Anyone wanna guess how this picture proves that little fact? No? I'll just tell you then. There's red nail polish all over my fingers from a sad attempt on behalf of my left hand to imitate the steady character of its friend. 

There's also the detail that my right hand is the one drawing.... 

Inked on with a splash of color. (By the way, interesting piece of trivia, my computer, Cami, is british. Mmm-hmm. She gives me the hardest time about my spelling ALL THE TIME. When I say "color" she gets on my case, trying to convince me that I should really spell it "colour." Every once in a while I give into her wishes, just to please her.) 

Wet paint on the left shoe.

Here is a photo showing the beginning of the checkers on the left shoe. I was surprised by how difficult it was to paint checkers/plaid. I had a slight problem with over-correcting mistakes, which made another mistake. 

Checkered/plaid accomplished. The paint that is on the rubber soles comes off once the shoes are finished. It's one of the last things I do each time. 

Freshly painted polka-dots! There's just something about polka-dots that are so fun and happy feeling. Unless they're on the dress I'm wearing. Then they are simply awkward and get old very quickly.

Completed all the way to her magnificent orange hair. 

Almost there....... AND...........

Zowie!  Here they are!

The finished heart that is not on a silk background.

I kind of feel sorry for the two of them. Do you realize how exhausting it would be to keep those poses for so long?

He would probably be a great puppeteer.... 

And she probably has the most messed up spine...

Now for a picture way up close.

Now, on to a completely different note. You would make this huge watermelon of a smile come to my face if you would do me one small favor. Leave a comment below! Let me know what you think about the shoes, blog, or even the weather. Honestly, I would love it. I want to know if you are reading this, and what your opinions are!

I have left the commenting open to anyone, so you don't have to have a Google account to do so. 

You also have the option of entering your email address into that little box to the right, and receiving a email letting you know when I post something new and magnanimous. Or not so magnanimous. It might just be ordinary.

Have a fantastic morning!


  1. Your shoes are fantastic and I loved seeing your step by step process of your I Love Lucy shoes. I know that I don't have half the talent you have but I am inspired to get some paint and play around with my very old canvas shoes. And after I suffer de-"feet" in trying to come up with something as cute as your shoes you will have a new customer.

  2. OMG! Can u make me a piar?? PLEASE! I just love "I love Lucy".

  3. MJ, thank you for the encouraging comment! And simply commenting! You will have to let me know how your shoe decorating goes. I am sure you'll do a fantastic job!

    bugshoe14, I would be more than happy to make you a pair of the "I Love Lucy" shoes! Send an email my way at chae.cheriedesigns@gmail.com and I will let you know all the details.

  4. i absolutely love these shoes and would love to own a pair! could you make me a pair please?

  5. DeAndra, I would love to make a pair of shoes for you! Email me at chad.cheriedesigns@gmail.com so we may discuss the details.

  6. I've been a huge fan of I Love Lucy forever, my bedroom was even done in Lucy growing up:) I would absolutely love a pair of these shoes..Is it ok to email you about making me a pair as well? :)

  7. Daisha Mae, shoot me an email and I will reply as quickly as possible with the info for them!

  8. I absolutely love the shoes and am also a HUGE Lucy fan. I read the previous comments and am sending you an email about making me a pair as well, permitted you have the time and are still willing!

  9. I found your shoes on Pinterest and fell in love! They are fantastic. Very Clever!

  10. THESE ARE AMAZING! You did such a wonderful job! i too would love to have a pair! if its possible could you send me details on that! my email is strybookluv@yahoo.com i would sooo appreciate that!

  11. i am seriously obsessed with these shoes, and i would really love if you could make me a pair!!! email me, please! guitargrl1989@yahoo.com

  12. I came across these shoes last night and absolutely fell in love. I'm crazy about the cartoon Lucy and Ricky. Do you only do this for friends? I would love to have a pair of custom sneaks. You did an amazing job!

  13. Hello Joy! I am so happy that you enjoy these shoes. I do shoes for anyone who wants a pair and is willing to pay for them. Shoot me an email at chae.cheriedesigns@gmail.com and I will send you the info!

  14. kaylaawilkins@yahoo.comThursday, October 16, 2014

    I love your shoes and would love to own a pair..... please if you have the time.

  15. Hi do you still make these? I so want a pair.

  16. are you still making these shoes, my daughter is a big fan and I would love to order my E-mail is Nanadicken@outlook.com Thank you

  17. Still in the business of making Lucy shoes? If so, I would absolutely love to own these! It's like worlds colliding, seeing two of my obsessions together like this. (Shoes, and of course, Lucy). I also loved seeing photos of your progress. You've really done such a wonderful job. Please let me know if you are still making these. Thanks!

  18. I love these shoes! I have wide feet...do you think you could find some shoes that would fit me to do these on?
    My email address is jvt61841@gmail.com

  19. Hello,
    Are you still making these shoes? I LOVE them!! If you are please email me, jenweber80@gmail.com
    Thank you!

  20. I love the lucy shoes. May I ask what kind of paint you use and does it stay on well? Thanks.

  21. Hello,
    My mom loves I Love Lucy do you still make them let me known and how much

  22. I Love ❤️ these shoes” their adorable, I Love I Lucy she is my all time favorite Red Head!! I’d Love a pair of these shoes please’ my email mcclain_angela@yahoo.com

  23. Please let me know if you still make these and the price. Just beautiful!!

  24. Omg these shoes are so creative and absolutely adorable!!! If you still make them please let me know… Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!! ❤️ liz362736@aol.com

  25. What an inspiration. I am going to try to do this on some shoe. How adorable. Thanks so much!

  26. Hello! I love I love Lucy! Are you making these and selling them?

  27. Love these! Are you selling them?
