29 October, 2011


Do you see the girl in the photograph below. Well... I could go on and on and on about how absolutely PHENOMENAL she is. Not only does she love that posing dog in her arms, she's also one of the most fun people I know, she can do any crafting thing you can think of, she sews, cooks, is stinking brilliant, loves the Lord with all her heart, and passes on His great love through serving and loving others, she has a profusion of hair (which I'm immensely jealous of). She is well read, has impeccable taste in music, never hides how hilarious she thinks my latest cooking catastrophe is, oh yeah, and she's gorgeous

Story behind the shoes: Tara's name spelt backwards is "A-R-A-T." A-rat! Be calmed, we call her that in a completely non-demeaning way. We are like most other people, we love rats and mice. Just as long as they are in one of these categories:

              - Fake
              - In a cage at PetSmart 
              - On a pair of shoes
              - Cooking delicious foods stuff like "ratatouille." 

Tara/Arat wanted a pair of shoes that was fun and went along with her nickname, and thus the shoes you see below! 

My brain was having a temper-tantrum towards school work and utterly refused to pay any heed to a single fact I was supposed to be studying. So, I threw all diligence to the wind, and worked on a pair of shoes long overdue.

Tara came and watched telly shows with me as I toiled away at this task. Secretly, I think she was scared I would mess the duo of shoes up, and she would have to wear them in public, so she inspected my work to safeguard from any such thing happening. 

She also made a giant pot of homemade hot chocolate just for me. Being the ever generous person that I am, however, I shared the delicious beverage with everyone else who was wondering around our house that day. 

Now, I am just going to sit here in silence. Because words are overrated. 

... And I can't think of anything else to say besides: I LOVE ARAT SO MUCH!

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