26 November, 2011

I Heart Oklahoma State University

One of my wonderful friends is.... LAURA! The fact that she is wonderful is unarguable. Meaning, you both cannot and would not disagree with me. Sadly, I didn't always feel this way. At the first second that I laid eyes on Laura, I determined to never, ever, ever, ever like her. I don't know why. I just did. Perhaps we may blame it on the fact that I was only twelve years old and wasn't thinking very clearly? Well, as it turns out, those wicked feelings were eventually given up. And for that, I never cease to be thankful.

Anyhoo, a very long time ago I painted a pair of OSU shoes for Laura, who just happens to be an official Poke

As it turns out, I was so excited to get them to her, it completely slipped my mind to take any pictures of them.

Thankfully, Laura has a camera. 

I was going through photos of Laura, trying to decide which was my favorite. I ended up with three. And I have a feeling that I might get in a bit of trouble for the goofy ones... ;)


Oklahoma State University! 

Once again.... A little bit of goof. Mostly just wonderful, though.

P.S. Laura is adorable and I love her. The End.

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