20 December, 2011

Oh yeah... there is a pair of shoes in there.

Yes, yes, I am still alive. I have just been super duper busy the past few weeks. What with Christmas right around the corner, trying to finish school for the year, Church activities, keeping up with any money making ventures, and of course, the social life, I had my hands full staying sane; let alone accomplishing everything on my to-do-list!  But, the good news is that I am now on Christmas break!!!!! The most exciting part of this break is that I don't have to look at a single school book until January!!!! 

Something I have been thinking about today: Wrapping. 

Why I am thinking about wrapping: because I wrapped several gifts that have been lying around my room for a little while.

Once the wrapping was wrapped up, I sat back to admire my handy work.

What I saw: three gifts, cocoon-ed in a cheery red plaid, and the random placement of long and short and torn and crumbly pieces of scotch tape. 

And you know that thing you are supposed to do with the edges of the paper? There is a special way you're supposed to fold it so the underside of the paper doesn't show through, and the edges aren't all hacked up.... 

Yeah...... I can't do that. Truth be told, my presents always look like they were wrapped and then ever so delicately eatened by a weed eater. 


But, as I heard a wise and enlightened person say recently, "The wrapping paper doesn't matter; it is the thought that counts." 

And that, my dear people, is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very good thing. Because otherwise, I would be doomed

Okay so... Doomed might be the worst case scenario. 

People would probably just laugh at me, and think I was extremely slow to learn the finer points of wrapping. 

P.S. I suppose that I must say something about the shoes in this post. The Winnie the Pooh shoes were done for one of my friends, Janelle. She wanted wanted the whole gang to be on the pair, and I wanted to capture some of the charm that stories have. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so obsessed with these shoes it's unreal. Is there any way I could order them?
