01 January, 2012

Christmas Cookies that are History

I hope everyone had a marvelous time celebrating the birth of Christ this past week! I suppose I am in a rather random mood of late... Last post I hardly even mentioned shoes and on this post I am not even going to show one picture that has anything to do with shoes. : ) Instead I am going to show off some cookies we made for a Christmas party. They aren't amazing, and probably wouldn't win any prizes. But they were a lot of fun to make, and I definitely had bunches of fun decorating them with two of my sisters and, occasionally, a brother. 

We made three different kinds of sugar cookies: plain old white sugar, chocolate, and spicy ginger bread men. The ginger bread men were completely amazing. As in "I think they might use that recipe in Heaven" amazing. Not the "I couldn't find anything better, so I settled for this recipe and played around with it to try to make them taste like something yummy and almost succeeded. Almost" yummy. 

The chocolate ones were good too. But they kind of made me think
of Malt O-meal.... That was weird.

Some of the cookies were rather pretty.

Others were simply cute.

And still others were... Well... They were just down right creepy. 

Of course, there were also some happy cyclops cookies lying around. It wouldn't have been a good day if there hadn't.

This guy was upset that he wasn't a cyclops. You would think he would be thankful for the two eyes we gave him, but nooooo. 

There were tons and tons of cookies. The picture above is only showing about 1/4 of them. 

Making sugar cookies is part of our diet plan. After inhaling and being around the cookies' over powering sweetness for hours on end, you never want to touch a sweet thing again. Blech. Yuck. Nasty. 

And thus concludes my cookie post for today! Hopefully it wasn't too dreadful and unusual. 

1 comment:

  1. These are stunning, but I have pictures of some you made that are absolutely exquisite. I did not see any of the above, so they must have all been consumed before I arrived at your family's abode. (Trying a few variations of the English language myself) JJ
